Monday, May 16, 2011

Garden Update

It's been a little over three weeks since I photographed the garden. (The last garden post was two weeks ago, but I sat on those pics for a week before posting.) What a difference a few weeks can make.

You can see the newly added straw around the zucchini in the foreground.
Close-up of the center flower bed. The zinnias will be opening in another few days.
No ripe tomatoes yet, but the plants are loaded. I probably have 200 tomatoes on six plants.
Here are the three largest tomato plants. The cute six year old gives you an idea of height scale.
I counted 17 squash blooms on this one plant. I pick them young--tastes better and increases yield.
Cucumber plants will soon be tall enough to trellis up the string I added around the base of the frames.

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