Friday, May 13, 2011

A Chicken in Every Yard!

Back in the seventeenth century, Henry IV purportedly originated the phrase "A Chicken in Every Pot." I'm increasingly intent on the chance of a chicken in every yard! Especially my own!

Even though it doesn't last long, the baby stage is so cute!!

The grownups are so regal and make very entertaining pets.

And, even though I live right in the center of the "city limits," I'd love to walk out back and collect a few of these for breakfast every morning:

Apparently, there are lots of folks who feel the same way. I found numerous webites devoted to the pervasive urban chicken movement. Here's a sample: Mad City ChickensUrban Chickens, The City Chicken, and Organic Chickens.

Alas, it appears I have my work cut out for me here on the Eastern Shore. If I lived in Mobile, AL I could have a flock of up to 25 in my back yard. But cross the bay and you have a different story. No chickens within the city limits--period. Unbelievably, I could have instead an emu, an ostrich, or a cobra: These seem to be perfectly legal, as are wolf-hybrid dogs, as long as you keep them from getting in the neighbor's yard. This law is really a shame and, as many cities, including large, upscale neighborhoods all over the country are discovering, completely unneccessary. They are allowed in Denver, CO; New Haven, CT; Atlanta, GA; and even Washington, DC. Why not here? City Council members could have plenty of stipulations on number, noise, and cleanliness. Just take a look at the beautiful living spaces these city dwellers get to enjoy:

Could you see one of these in the corner of your back yard? I sure could, but I'm not sure my English Springer Spaniels would get along with the occupants. Oh well, maybe one day. 

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