Saturday, July 7, 2012

After the Rain

We've needed rain so badly for two weeks. It seems every day this week the dark clouds would form, the heat thunder would rumble and every area surrounding us would get rain--but not here, not until today.  I wish I had grabbed the camera and taken some shots of the wonderful hard rain that gave us two inches of moisture in about 40 minutes. All the plants and flowers looked so grateful. I did get these pictures after the storm.

A raised pot in a front yard planter.

Another front yard bed.

Beautiful hydrangea. Can you see how it's barely tinged with pink?

Moving to the garden you get a truer picture of the light at the time.

The marigolds set throughout the garden have really thrived this year.

Another dark shot--but you can still see the abundance of cayenne peppers this year!

I'll pick this eggplant in another 4-5 days.

Plenty of okra--and from my own seed!  It's about four feet tall now and will add another two before summer's end.

Here's the view I have of the okra while on hands and knees with bucket and wire cutters to gather the day's harvest.

Raindrops hang on the cherry tomatoes. The plants are looking skimpy now, but the tomatoes have been good--bug and disease free.

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